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Friday, February 25, 2011

Take a look at my Style Notes blog

This picture seems to span both my blogs... Marilyn
reads James Joyce
 I’ve decided to hibernate this blog for a while, to concentrate on the other one, which is the continuation of my Style Notes column in Good Weekend magazine.

Here's the link:

I update that every Saturday and if you subscribe (free!) using the button right at the bottom of the blog page, it will land in your e-mailbox every Saturday morning, just like a newspaper landing on the mat.

Mid-week I update it with my new fashion column The Rules, which appears in the Sydney Morning Herald section, Essential Style, and in M magazine, which comes with the Sunday Age.

I’m having so much fun doing it. It’s great to be in charge of my own pictures and add links - and really I love being able to reply instantly to comments.

The Reading List will come back. I’m still keeping notes of what I’m reading and I will update it eventually – it really helps to keep me an active reader, which feeds into my writing.

But for the moment I’m putting all my energy into the other blog, the new column and my upcoming new wing ding website, where all this will be gathered in one place.

There is also the not inconsiderable matter of the three books I’m working on… it’s a full life.

So please take a look at the other blog and I’ll be in touch to let you know when this one is active again, as part of my new improved website.