My new novel How To Break Your Own Heart is out today. Hurrah! Well, it's new in the UK - it came out last November in Australia. So why the long delay? Well, it seems, I am something called a ‘summer author’.
I’m very happy with that tag because I like to think of my books as something you would reach for when you have a bit of time for yourself – such as stretching out on a pool side lounger, or settling into a flight to somewhere sandy and salty.
The book went down really well in Aus, I’m delighted to say, and I hope it has the same appeal in my home country (where it is set). I must admit I have a special affection for it. There are several characters in it I really love (not least the gorgeous male romantic lead…. hubba hubba) and I still miss spending time with them every day at the computer.
The other reason I think it’s special to me is that Amanda’s story is – in part – my own. I was that woman who found out at the age of 36 that your fertility goes down in a black ski run gradient at 37.
I’d really had no idea, which is a bit shameful considering I am a doctor’s daughter, but I think like most of my generation I was so intent on being a world expert in contraception (thank you Cosmo magazine…) the conception part of it got left out.
Everything else in the book is fiction (my first husband is American and NOTHING like Ed!), but that terrible moment happened to me.
I’d love to hear feedback, if you read it.
Apologies for not posting on here more often. It's mainly a factor of having so much to write already. I do my column every week for Good Weekend in Australia, plus I am stuck in to writing my next book.... BUT the best place to find me is on Twitter.
I'm @ MaggieA. Love Twitter and would love to chat to you on there.
Maggie xxx