Testing testing one two three. One two. One two. Can you hear me at the back?
Apologies if you have been led here under false pretences, but I am just setting this up so I can attach it to my website. Then I will be able to go live with this and I hope you will visit again.
Maggie x
Okewla Situs Toto Resmi Untuk Bermain Judi Online
5 months ago
When does your charabanc reach Clapham, London?
ReplyDeleteHello Maggie, I’m one of your Australian orchids …feeding on what you ditch out in your Saturday columns while poor you gets nothing back (that you immediately know of) apart from the economical benefit of having enough people to buy your books (not so bad…)
ReplyDeleteMaggie, my ‘friendship’ hormones get all worked up when I read you, if there is such a thing! You make me feel cozy and warm as much as you stimulate the desire to exchange ideas, and not just fluffy ones. I too am appalled at the culture of infinite economic growth and the consequent wastage. I too make an effort to streamline my life, recycle, recycle…and ride my bicycle!
That’s why I want every woman to look forward to her fifties. They can bring such freedom…not just from those nasty periods, but in the wardrobe department. I too used to suffer wardrobe indigestion for having accumulated far too many clothes in far too many styles, being blessed in the past to wear almost anything.
I can now finally streamline, edit, delete! No more shorts, minis, tops without a bra! Even if I have the extra freedom of working from my atelier at home 5 minutes away from Bronte Beach… Vinnies is around the corner, with its temptations…so when I have to get dressed, I ask myself: would Jacquie, Audrey, Ines (or any style icon of choice) go out in that?
I edit not just for age, but also for aesthetics: Fashion these days has no fear of ugliness and vulgarity (not to be confused with playfulness): a correlation with good manners getting lost, people behaving ugly?
Another topic:
Bravo for your past warning about SLSulfates in hand washing. May I bring your attention to Silicone in hair products? They exist under different names finishing in 'one', and while providing instant shine, they will dry out and brake your hair in the long run, with the effect of women desperate to buy and apply more stuff! Most Beauty editors are tong-tied by the advertising money. My own sad findings were confirmed by Hélène Clauderer in Paris, daughter of René Furterer, who has her own lab and is just lovely.
Enough nattered for now. I was back home in France when you toured OZ, and sad to miss this. Time to go to Borders with my voucher and get these Christmas books! Actually no, this will have to wait; it’s a cold, grey and wet Sunday here!